Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Study of Indian Human Development Index and - 873 Words

Study of Indian Human Development Index and Comparative Analysis of HDI of Indian States GURU PRASAD NIKKU 1226111217 Summary: Detailed analysis of HDI calculation and components involved in the calculation of HDI are presented in the report. The HDI of India at present and its development through several years is also discussed with necessary tables and graphs. India’s HDI in comparison to other countries is also presented. The HDI ranking for different Indian states is presented and a comparative analysis of the HDI of different states is done. The effect of good governance on HDI is also presented for different states of India. Introduction HDI: The Human†¦show more content†¦Fig: HDI and its dimensions: Indian states. Fig: Key indicators: States and All-India. REF: D Good governance and human development Fig:Charecteristics of good governance. Fig : Impacts of Good Governance on HDI. From the above table it is evident that there is a correlation of 97% brtween good governance and Human Development Index. Fig: The effect of goodgovernace on HDI of States. REF: A Conclusion: Though india is achieving good economic growth in recent years it is not able to perform well in HDI and it is even lagging behind many of the countries which are far behind India in respective of their economic development. This is due to the high inequalities in the state governmennts plans and we have observed good governance leads to an improved HDI,Indian government must has to implement certain policies to enhance its HDI ranking. Measures must be taken immediately as india in next few decades is going to have a hude demographic dividend and if the government fails to provide basic things like education and health then their will be no economic development and the demographic dividend will turn into demographic liabilty. References: A : Good governance and human development: Evidence form Indian States. Journal of Social and Development Science Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-8, Feb 2011. B: C: Human Development Report 2011(Explanatory note on 2011 HDRShow MoreRelatedHuman Development,Family and Society Essay1650 Words   |  7 PagesHUMAN DEVELOPMENT, FAMILY AND SOCIETY Author: S.Aswathi – I MBA SSM School of Management, Komarapalayam. Co-Author: A.Pravinth – I MBA SSM School of Management, Komarapalayam. ABSTRACT This paper gives an overview of Human development, family and society from three angles via., biology, psychology and humanity. In biological terms, this entails growth from a one-celled zygote to an adult human being. 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